Wednesday, July 12, 2017



Shocked or thinking that the writer is Insane because she is writing something which cannot be challenged or proved???

Well I am neither an insane nor challenging the unprovable fact. Coz for majority of people across universe GOD is THE TRUTH; an IRREFUTABLE TRUTH. But some of we writers have this habit of challenging the irrefutable facts based on incidents which have occurred either in our lives or in the lives of people closely associated with us. Certain set of events and incidents which have occurred in the recent past, have left me pondering whether God really exists, is he actually the ephemeral truth or just a myth. I Hindi we say “ Mano to bhagwan, nahi to pathar”, now I actually have started feeling is he really the GOD or only a stone whom we believe in not because of trust but out of fear.

This world is an ensemble of people, good and bad, some who live for others and others who use fellow human beings just to make their selfish ends meet. Once their target is achieved, goals met, they throw aside their prey as if the poor human being is nothing less than a tissue paper. They do not even damn to care about the feelings of their prey. Yes I purposely and categorically use the word prey, because that is what the victimised souls be addressed as. Poor souls do not even realise that all the attention and importance that they are receiving is not because they are good or they hold importance in someone’s lives, but because they are important for achieving some selfish ulterior motive they are completely unaware about. Because their of inherent goodness and belief that GOD DOES GOOD TO THOSE WHO DO GOOD TO OTHERS, they fell victim to such multi-faceted double edged sword individuals and get finally mutilated once their need is over.
If GOD really existed then such injustice would have never happened with the noble people and those who hurt and use others would have been penalised to such extent that even their shadow would fear in doing such deed again to anyone. But no our so called GOD does not do anything and history repeats itself. Some other noble soul falls prey of such selfish and mean people and get vandalised. If GOD really existed then justice would have happened and the ill doer penalised. But no the fact is that ill doer lives the life on his/her terms and conditions, traumatising good people one after the another with not even a pinch of guilt in soul. Why this injustice with us, the good people?? Are we paying for our goodness or for providing a helping hand to all in need???? Is being a good human being a crime?? Is believing in GOD a bane??? We all say GOD will set all equations straight and ALL WILL BE WELL!!!!!!!!!! But neither does GOD do even to all nor does the wrong does gets punished.
Now I seriously neither believe in GOD or THE KARMA…. Both do injustice only to those who believe in them!!! It seems being good and just is a crime in this world… Coz both of them only lead to your insult, humiliation and mockery in the world. If GOD really existed then at least Self Respect of someone would not be made a butt of jokes… Someone would not have become a piece of mockery to such an extent that the person would lose his self-confidence and faith in oneself. If this what GOD is all about and if this is what is reaped off on being good, I wish to get rid of my goodness as soon as possible.

For me and for many people like me, our Self-Respect is more important to us than even our lives. If our GOD cannot protect our self-respect or rather if our GOD is a mute witness of the slaughter of our self-respect, then I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THIS GOD!! THIS IS NOT THE GOD I WAS TAUGHT TO BELIEVE IN SINCE MY CHILDHOOD. When it comes to self-respect and justice, even if GOD needs to prove his existence, then HE HAS TO. He need to punish the wrong doers and set forth an example that if you play with the emotions of someone, the only punishment you deserve is EXTINCTION. Yes extinction, coz such people are a harm to the society. Do we need such people who use people to fulfil their own selfish motives or we need people who wish to serve society selflessly.
I am sure all of us need people who cater to the need to building a society which is for the betterment of mankind; which makes this earth a better place to live. If GOD really exists then he has to help people like us to get justice and get the selfish stock of people eradicated. If this does not happen, and if this selfish bunch of people prospers, I will stick to the title of my piece- “GOD IS A MYTH”.

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